so that your blog received broker paid review
After understanding the workings Paid Review in previous articles. Questions that arise in the minds of bloggers who until now only by the broker direject Paid Review (Sponsored Reviews, ReviewMe Blogvertise or) is:
How do we blog received by such broker Paid Review this program?
In this article I'll share a little of how my blog that I developed a list of the Paid Review and obtain approval from the broker Paid Review. Because of sharing, there may be little difference between my experience or other bloggers. So, if my information is wrong, please comment in the field of corrections 

This is fundamental to a blog to be accepted by the broker Paid Review it varies. But can we generalisasikan as follows.
more than a month old
the index and the cached by google

A new domain name usually does not have a lot of articles (except if the item is prepared from scratch or hijack the contents of another blog: P). Search Engines are also usually less interested in the new domain, they will only index pages that had 3-5 written articles in there, and also, Google Pagerank you often still in the gray area / division. Therefore, the blog is still too new can be difficult to diapprove by the broker paid review. My advice, preferably within 3 months we maximize production and quality of writing in our blog and diligent, so diligent link.Dengan exchange, the number of pages in Google's database will also be more.

To facilitate this process, do your best to avoid duplicate content on your blog. Installing robots meta tags to index your pages must also be installed. Examples of meta tags which used to be placed in in your blog template is as follows:
link your blog popular enough

Characteristics that you are a blogger who is known among Internet users can be measured by how many links your blog site or blog scattered other. Link popularity does not always follow the link, which does not follow the link on another blog comment field will also increase your link popularity. Therefore, diligent, rajinlah commenting on other blogs, especially blogs Internet Marketing or Make Money Online, because blogs are such a good relationship with Yahoo Bots.
traffic blog that looks alive alexa rank high enough

A blog 'live' or said to have the reader may be judged from the number of trafiknya, the indicator used is the Alexa Rank, Alexa Rank sebenernya although not entirely accurate. Some of the blogs I can speak English diapprove Alexa Rank of 1 million. Kalo SEO blog this study are listed at that time was 300 thousand. Because my Indonesian blog just this blog, so I can not give much input about the ranking Alexa Rank local language blog that 'sell' in.
brokers eye
Paid Review There are many ways of increasing traffic to blogs, among other well without SEO, tricks Entrecard or comment on others blogs while establishing a friendship between a blogger 

In my experience, by running the steps above can give our blog to get approval from the broker paid review. If there is another entry, I will be very happy to accept it as a correction in this article 

Anyway, one thing to remember, received approval from the broker paid review is a step to enter the market paid review. After getting approval, there is still much to be done in order to receive tasks advertiser Paid Review 

online business is not a job last night so keep the spirit of it. 

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