manage blog way to hone creativity

Continuing the discussion of "Creative Indonesia 2009", this time I want to invite and invite young people in our beloved country is to create and manage at least a "Personal Blog". Many will we get from a blog, one of which is that my own experience, namely to increase the ability to write. I felt myself from writing regularly on this blog. And I had more courage to write something on online media, which one example is the article here, titled "Aura Kasmaran on Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day)".

This is just one example. Another thing is, if the personal blog of our good governance. We focus on one particular discussion, culinary example, as a friend of this blog. Or you can also choose other things that match your interests and talents.

Some bloggers, there is also a book published, which contains a book of their writings on his blog. Is a source of better earnings can be expected, rather than making a personal blog to display advertising and Internet marketing activities.

Socialization activities conducted both online / offline direct campaign that directly touch the target. Moreover, it can be said as one of its CSR activities, to Starone will also strengthen the image of Internet services and voice messages on the outside, with the aim of creating a brand association internet service providers, voice and SMS with the saving rate.

Working closely with and AISEC UNDIP, which at its peak in the title of "Explore Your Mind Be Creative Blogger" with the famous Blogger Community Resources in Semarang.

The workshop consists of 2 sessions, followed by all participants with enthusiasm. The question asked quite a variety from which to make live streaming, how to use RSS, tips create a blog for shops and businesses, how to update your blog template, how to use your own hosting and domain name up tips to build a blog with a particular niche.

The theme of the first session is "Be A Creative Blogger" organized by the Ari, followed by Dian Adi Prasetyo Bernadus with the theme "How to Optimize Your Blog?"

There are many other ways to hone our creativity to manage a blog. But it was like I urge all young people in this beloved country is ...

"We continue to hone the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit so that we can play a role in developing Indonesia's economy to reduce unemployment among young people."

Since refers to data released by the Central Bureau of Statistics, the number of unemployed in Indonesia in February 2008 reached 9.43 million people and 4.5 million were secondary school graduates, vocational, and university diploma program.

Of that amount, approximately 1.1 million college graduates. This figure increased 54 percent compared with the number of unemployed college graduates in 2007 who reached 740 thousand people. This condition is caused by the formation of the mindset that college graduates have found work, rather than creating jobs.

Posted by Hamid Junaidi | at 2:52 AM