Little or no say so many people loved to attend motivational seminars in the hope of getting a new spirit that can motivate themselves. That includes me too loh once, hehe ... But often the motivation and the new spirit that did not last long, even in a short time they returned to old habits and patterns. The spirit of achieving the dream began to fade and they are waiting for is pumped back through the next motivational seminar. Why?
According to some experts, is because most people do not know how to motivate yourself. It turned out that the biggest source of motivation is not from outside but is within every person. Every person is a motivator for him, only know how to produce and direct resources to the appropriate destination. According to Anthony Robbins, basically all people are motivated because the pursuit of pleasure (pleasure) and to avoid suffering (pain).
What assistance can provide a strong motivation for you, and suffering (pain) like what's going to be able to motivate you, of course you have to find yourself. It is time now to discover what motivates us. Good luck to motivate yourself and then have a new spirit that continues to burn in a very long time.
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
2:49 AM
Various motivating others to insult, humiliate, belittle you, especially if you are a failure, deterioration, poverty, decline, and so on. Even when you want to start something new that not a few great people who try to mengambat you with the words sarcasm, ridicule, and so on. Of course not all negative people like that, but obviously the fact that many in the field. When your motivation is weak and rapidly affected by external factors more potential then you may not succeed.
Strengthen your motivation and go to likely success in maintaining motivation over. Because after all most people do not like underestimated, making the desire to avoid the ridicule it as fuel for more success.
In contrast, naturally also when you are on top of success, many people will admire, closer, helping, praising, asking for forgiveness and so on. Not everyone is perfect, but once again the facts on the ground a lot of say so.
For those of you who do not want to be humiliated, ridiculed, demeaned, and so forth, but wanting to be respected, appreciated and so is positive then the sebaiknyalah choose to be in the light of success.
Among those who are able to provide a strong motivation for you? might feel like to avoid trouble or feeling of wanting to look for things that are fun? Do not just choose one to encourage you more strongly motivated, select only two. Of course life is much more extensive, not only to seek honor, fame, praise. However, all the conditions that you can receive high will also provide peace and incredible happiness. But is not the best thing is after we tried tawaqal maximum?
In general, someone who is motivated by good will is more potent and has a greater energy to achieve success, too. So, why not strive to find ways to strengthen the motivation for greater success also easier approach?. As a sign that self motivation is strong enough then it will take more concrete action, and that real action that can make a big difference.
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
2:20 AM
I often wonder how to blog or website to make money. After learning from some teachers online business and internet marketing is great, and I understand so many ways a blog or website can provide extra income money directly or indirectly.
Create a blog or create a website, then the money directly to additional income? Oh, if that's a bit difficult because I understand, even as the slogan can be said that not very reliable. If the phrase we often hear and say is true, and the slogans that have made a lot of people including me to wonder.
And when I'm in the process and try to know why why it is so, then I can understand a little different. It seems more blogs that make money indirectly. And this way is more natural and easier to understand. After reading this article, I hope that our understanding of the slogans that can be improved. If there is something missing, I hope you are willing to add or make corrections in the comments section.
That we not be surprised and wondered how blogs can create additional revenue money, I will give some illustrations.
Suppose you have a gardener who regularly harvest duren. If you have a camera, the picture becomes your duren duren some plump, then paste the picture on your web site. Can add the story on the website how you delicious duren. Mention was also clear who you are, what you duren prices and how to pay you if someone wants to buy, whether to come to your home or your inter-or transfer money and send duren. If you send will also mention how much it costs.
Then we assume that your site was crowded. So many people who saw the picture duren, they also know how to pay. More importantly you can be trusted, then you are really selling duren and prospective buyers may know you, maybe a friend who knows you, or because you have a friend who you refer duren. If you competitive price duren, it will do it? If you think Yes, that means the website can help you sell duren. That makes money yes duren, website to help communicate the nature of this fat duren, price and how to pay.
Oh yes, if you do not have a web site, you can make easily, please read How to Create a
Website Strategy. Website main weapon for doing business online, even apart from this duren business results, you can also sell the site on the website as well. Business website like a basket or cart business meatballs, so the website can sell other people like duren. Basket business can also sell and durable kok, and business website. You can read about my business website here:
Supplement Joint Pengasilan cafebisnis OnlineWell, break the above, also an example of how Web sites can make money. Used as a means to sell the website how to create websites. So, here we have 2 ways to make money from websites is to create tools to sell and sell duren website.
how blogs can make money another example :
Sites that we consider home, and there are several rooms that you can koskan. Can then additional income from renting room. For example on this website, at the top of the ad space itself is paid. I rented space to work in the advertising business, and I could generate additional income from the rental, even 1-year cost of this website can be returned from the rent in several months. You can also rent out space on your website for a banner ad (banner shaped images), it is up to you how it works, which is important how you communicate (how many, how do you pay for, how long the period of validity, etc.).
Ok, for those who wish to obtain additional revenue from advertising programs Indonesian fast lane, then you can become a publisher
KlikSaya.Com very comprehensive procedure for all In this way to fill my house in the illustration above.
Another way how websites can help you create additional income, to allow your web site as a medium of online training to lead your business team. Suppose you run a
Business Voucher To Supplement Your Income is not the function of your website to sell the pulse but to train your team how to run the credit business. Well, if your team is developed (such as my team as I write this article consists of more than 7000 people) then the pulse of the business that create additional income. His website as a tool to increase their sales.
I am sure, with the details of the above, you are no longer going to wonder why your blog or make money. Can! But that does not mean: to make and can direct money.
I was developing a blog where
Learning English Online, you can guess where I will get additional income at this website:
BahasaInggris.NetHow else other ways a blog can provide additional income? You can add in the comments, can ask and share. Thanks a lot earlier.
I hope you blog more productive...
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
1:31 AM
If we have created a blog, or website, then we will want as soon as possible blog / site you are signed in search engines. Because Search Engine, a key to say 'take a lot of visits to the web / blog us'.
Because 85% of visitors from Search Engines, and also many websites with a 'visit many' others. statistics even applies in almost every business online.
So if we focus on search engine rankings, is appropriate, as a first step to bring more visitors to our blog. Only later, when we have greater control of search engines, we can try out the techniques other promotions.
step so readable by search engine robots are :
1. Of course the main focus for the 3 search engines:, and! So do not be attracted and deceived by the operator to send blog / web site to hundreds or even thousands of search engines. In fact, you can focus on to first, because if you go on, according to my experience, do not be too long, Msn and Yahoo will index your website.
2. not have to submit directly to them. Only use an indirect way is more effective. Ie :
3. if the blog, is the first step did post an article will index our blog quickly if there is anything I can eat on our blog. And 'food' is a search engine robot: 'Content'.
So fast that are ranked, be sure to fill the blog with enough 'content' first. Fill with at least 10 articles, only faster terangking on search engines.
So, how do I check to see if the web / blog we've consumed by the search engines? Quite easy, just enter our website address in the search box search engine, or good!.
For example: My website address is then I enter: '' in the search box. If the blog / web site I was taken by, so will the blue, and there is an explanation of the web / blog (description) If not, it will be black, and there is writing: eg: Results for not found.
4. After filling conten enough, so many blogs to submitlah website that has terangking the Search Engine.
That's not logical, if we want to go to the Search Engine, and then make friends with the web / blog that has been inserted first.
How? Easy! Post a Free Classified! Use 'automated web classifieds advertisers' sort:, efektifkan time your ads, your ad will submit (containing the address of your blog / website) you to more than 100 classified ads.
Another way to introduce a web / blog to Search Engines us by: Comment on the guest book, blogs that have a lot of requests like this blog Forum

, and many more.
Make sure the web address / blog, you fill in properly. Through the website owned by someone else who has first terangking blog search engine you will find the address and took it.
not unreasonable...??
Even I can say that, go into search engines, if you focus with quality content to fill, plus submit your blog address to your blog or popular classifieds, has almost certainly, your website will be ranked. Only a matter of time.
Sometimes I go to the web in 3 days, sometimes even faster, sometimes a week. No problem right? Because if you are in business online in a very long period of time, what's a few days.
Fill it with focal high-quality content to the web / blog, so that when people finally find your blog through search engines, they will be happy, and they will come back again.
If your content is bad, then they will not come back, do not waste master ranking in search engines, if the quality of our content messy.
Therefore, in a simple search engine rankings. Even more difficult is to maintain consistency to provide quality content in the long run.
necessary commitment and attitude to keep learning
Whatever field you want to write and master, if you like, love, love to learn, then you'll know a lot about the area, and the long term you'll become an expert.
But you do not have to wait for an expert first. You can start, find out and share it on your blog, keep reading again, out again. The longer you will learn more and more.
"ranking, of course if you focus on providing quality content"
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
5:13 PM
This month was more active I became publisher of Blogsvertise paid review program. The result is bad, can buy a domain + hosting package from (Insya Allah in the near future will dilaunching website)

To Blogsvertise, in a day can be $ 20-30 USD, paid via paypal only 30 days after posting his review received by Blogsvertise. That's Grab Bag Task (GBT), which auctioned off the job to review all Blogsvertise publishser reasonable prices. So, if you fit more busy hours of GBT (in here at around 13:30 and the afternoon at about 16.00-18.00), if we open an account, GBT could easily we can. Not to mention the income from Normal Task Assignment, which is a special order from our advertisers to make a review on our blog. Anyway, try Blogsvertise not hurt. This is interesting, let alone businesses pay-per-click in our country do not seem to grow well. Look at the adsense and adbrite can always ridicule publisher (this is only a personal view that ....)
There are several reasons why the bloggers deserve publisher Blogsvertise (for the time being I can only recommend this), namely:
1. no loss
If you are accepted as a publisher in Blogsvertise, then at least you can learn to write and write in English, because each posting a review must be made in English only, and not copy paste!
2. be paid a decent
Review each post you make, if diapprove worth between $ 5 - $ 15 USD. This depends on the Page Rank of your blog. Kalu high PR (at least PR 3), each post usually cost $ 8 - $ 10 USD.
3. proven
Indonesia has many successful bloggers in this program, and thus they are also a lot of experience about the tips and tricks to optimize revenue. For example, Indra Diky, Hadriyan and friends from other reviewers.
4. secure payment
Paypal payment now safe enough in the online world. Blogsvertise publishernya only pay through paypal account. This just might be a little obstacle to the bloggers. Solution: You can use paypal account rame-rame. If you have a blog, especially if a good public relations, entry jobs are also relatively expensive.
5. paid on time
30-day intervals since posting your reviews received by Blogsvertise, the dollar will be sent via paypal and without a dime piece! This is what distinguishes Blogsvertise with
Text Link Ads (TLA).6. friendly blogs
Because Blogsvertise paid review programs, and programs other paid review (,, or warm, is only made in a blog post, so look blog will not change much. This still allows us to maximize the blog by putting banner ads or other text in the sidebar for example, or for those who do not want to display the blog that difficult but it is still income, then paid review like this could be an option.
there is another reason...?? There are going to add...??
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
2:10 PM
Continuing the discussion of "Creative Indonesia 2009", this time I want to invite and invite young people in our beloved country is to create and manage at least a "Personal Blog". Many will we get from a blog, one of which is that my own experience, namely to increase the ability to write. I felt myself from writing regularly on this
blog. And I had more courage to write something on
online media, which one example is the article here, titled "
Aura Kasmaran on Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day)".
This is just one example. Another thing is, if the personal blog of our good governance. We focus on one particular discussion, culinary example, as a friend of this blog. Or you can also choose other things that match your interests and talents.
Some bloggers, there is also a book published, which contains a book of their writings on his blog. Is a source of better earnings can be expected, rather than making a personal blog to display advertising and Internet marketing activities.
Socialization activities conducted both online / offline direct campaign that directly touch the target. Moreover, it can be said as one of its CSR activities, to Starone will also strengthen the image of Internet services and voice messages on the outside, with the aim of creating a brand association internet service providers, voice and SMS with the saving rate.
Working closely with and AISEC UNDIP, which at its peak in the title of "Explore Your Mind Be Creative Blogger" with the famous Blogger Community Resources in Semarang.
The workshop consists of 2 sessions, followed by all participants with enthusiasm. The question asked quite a variety from which to make live streaming, how to use RSS, tips create a blog for shops and businesses, how to update your blog template, how to use your own hosting and domain name up tips to build a blog with a particular niche.
The theme of the first session is "Be A Creative Blogger" organized by the Ari, followed by Dian Adi Prasetyo Bernadus with the theme "How to Optimize Your Blog?"
There are many other ways to hone our creativity to manage a blog. But it was like I urge all young people in this beloved country is ...
"We continue to hone the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit so that we can play a role in developing Indonesia's economy to reduce unemployment among young people."
Since refers to data released by the Central Bureau of Statistics, the number of unemployed in Indonesia in February 2008 reached 9.43 million people and 4.5 million were secondary school graduates, vocational, and university diploma program.
Of that amount, approximately 1.1 million college graduates. This figure increased 54 percent compared with the number of unemployed college graduates in 2007 who reached 740 thousand people. This condition is caused by the formation of the mindset that college graduates have found work, rather than creating jobs.
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
2:52 AM
After understanding the workings Paid Review in previous articles. Questions that arise in the minds of bloggers who until now only by the broker direject Paid Review (Sponsored Reviews, ReviewMe Blogvertise or) is:
How do we blog received by such broker Paid Review this program?
In this article I'll share a little of how my blog that I developed a list of the Paid Review and obtain approval from the broker Paid Review. Because of sharing, there may be little difference between my experience or other bloggers. So, if my information is wrong, please comment in the field of corrections

This is fundamental to a blog to be accepted by the broker Paid Review it varies. But can we generalisasikan as follows.

more than a month old
A new domain name usually does not have a lot of articles (except if the item is prepared from scratch or hijack the contents of another blog: P). Search Engines are also usually less interested in the new domain, they will only index pages that had 3-5 written articles in there, and also, Google Pagerank you often still in the gray area / division. Therefore, the blog is still too new can be difficult to diapprove by the broker paid review. My advice, preferably within 3 months we maximize production and quality of writing in our blog and diligent, so diligent link.Dengan exchange, the number of pages in Google's database will also be more.

the index and the cached by google
To facilitate this process, do your best to avoid duplicate content on your blog. Installing robots meta tags to index your pages must also be installed. Examples of meta tags which used to be placed in in your blog template is as follows:

link your blog popular enough
Characteristics that you are a blogger who is known among Internet users can be measured by how many links your blog site or blog scattered other. Link popularity does not always follow the link, which does not follow the link on another blog comment field will also increase your link popularity. Therefore, diligent, rajinlah commenting on other blogs, especially blogs Internet Marketing or Make Money Online, because blogs are such a good relationship with Yahoo Bots.

traffic blog that looks alive alexa rank high enough
A blog 'live' or said to have the reader may be judged from the number of trafiknya, the indicator used is the Alexa Rank, Alexa Rank sebenernya although not entirely accurate. Some of the blogs I can speak English diapprove Alexa Rank of 1 million. Kalo SEO blog this study are listed at that time was 300 thousand. Because my Indonesian blog just this blog, so I can not give much input about the ranking Alexa Rank local language blog that 'sell' in.
brokers eye

Paid Review There are many ways of increasing traffic to blogs, among other well without SEO, tricks Entrecard or comment on others blogs while establishing a friendship between a blogger

In my experience, by running the steps above can give our blog to get approval from the broker paid review. If there is another entry, I will be very happy to accept it as a correction in this article

Anyway, one thing to remember, received approval from the broker paid review is a step to enter the market paid review. After getting approval, there is still much to be done in order to receive tasks advertiser Paid Review

online business is not a job last night so keep the spirit of it.

Posted by Hamid Junaidi
11:49 AM
Before I knew how memonetisasi web, I always hated the ads on web pages I visit, because they often offer the goods to be purchased, whereas we are only looking for information. I am new to the ways to get money from our website, and my views on advertising on the web changed 180 degrees "so excessive *

Unfortunately, so I do not know the keywords to search for relevant information in order to make money with a web / blog, so ga wrote ngehnya Adsense list repeatedly rejected. In stark contrast to today, where so many blogs that contain information

For the media, blogs and the web that contain information that can contribute money by placing ads on your blog / web. Thus, ga must sell our goods themselves, because our job is to bring visitors to see (and if possible at-click) ads from ad networks (ad network) that we put on our website. The development of advertising media in the web / blog also has quite a lot of progress than it used to, so ga-shaped line or just banner ads, but there are also links, and media buzz. Before this article makes you more confused (read: boring), yuk we see one of the methods and terms that will often we encounter when we want money from our blog.
CPC stands for Cost Per Click, which means that you paid for your ad placed on your blog your visitors click. The amount of money paid to you for any kliknya will vary for each ad network and keywords for those ads. Example of CPC advertising programs are Google Adsense, AdBrite Text Ads, Chitika and BidVertiser.
CPM is Cost Per has Metrics. Often also described as the impression-based advertising. Ads that use this method will pay you to come up with their ads, and the tariff is calculated for each 1000 appearance / impression. One of the advertising program that uses this method is the image AdBrite ads.
Link Ads
Link Ads is an ad program that pays you to put a link to another site. The program for this site is not too much trouble, do not take place on the web. You just focus on building a web site or blog and SEO for blogs mengoptimasinya we can have enough PageRank to be accepted by the link brokers like Text Link Ads, Backlinks etc. You can also sell links to your own site if your site is well known and has a high PR.
Referral / Affiliate
Earn money with referral systems and Affiliates may challenge for bloggers / webmasters. Since we are only paid if we refer customers to use services or buy products from a company. This requires some marketing skills if the goods or services which you refer is quite expensive.
Buzz Media / Paid Review
Program is a paid review programs popular lately. This is due to convenience and fast payment enough. You'll get paid to create articles that refer to a site, services or products sold by others. Even blogs berPR 0 can join the program paid review. It's just, your blog will usually calm command unless your blog has the advantage of other aspects such as high traffic or link to your site is very popular.
after reading the above description you might begin to ask!!
choose which yes?

To determine the right choice, we simply adjust to the situation that we have a blog. As we have quite a lot of visitors and have tried to place ads based on CPC, but visitors do not need to click on ads that we (usually happens on blogs are not specific theme), means that we rely on CPM ads better. But if you have a long run your blog, and revenue CPC and CPM ads you are not satisfied. I think you should start optimizing your website SEO so you can get money from your blog through a paid review and Link Ads. Reply to referral, it was strongly influenced your marketing capabilities and attractiveness of the product itself.
Good luck

Posted by Hamid Junaidi
10:47 AM
As previously-been described here and here, to create a blog and writing we read and visited a lot of people are due to two possibilities (a) because the inter-links between blogs, and (b) because people are coming through search engines (search engines) especially Google. How can all our blog entries on google arrested? Use Google Sitemaps.
1. login with gmail email id in the http
2. At the top is a box SITE ADD -> enter your blog -> Example:
3. click ok
4. After a column in the ADD command SITEMAP SITEMAP there. Click.
5. select add general web sitemap
6. tick tick / check in the menu (a) I've made, and so on; (b) I've uploaded, and so on. (c) My Sitemap .. and so on.
7. On the menu SITEMAP MY URL. Dg contents of your blog feeds. Example:
8. add web menu sitemap
9. there will be information on the menu that we sitemap status pending
10. diagnostic menu at the top
11. click menu there verify that the verification status information not verified
12. There choose verification method menu select Add a meta tag.
13. we are given a code name and so meta.
14. Enter the code in the meta HEAD our blog template in between the HEAD and / HEAD, should be below (title) (BlogPageTitle) (/ title)
Setelah template blog di SAVE dan REPUBLISH, kembali ke sitemap dan beri tanda tik/check di menu "I've added the META tag in the homepage".16. click verify

17. finished
important notes :
1. How to / tips just for a free blog like blogger / blogspot, blogdrive, and so on.
2. For those who have the top blog hosting their own domain name and can become a more effective way but rather complicated for the less experienced html / xml. Descriptions can be found on the link below:
3. For those who do not have a gmail ID, can be requested on a google email diinvite.
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
8:37 PM
Once finished creating blogs, this never-Equally important is empromosikan / introduce your blog on the world crowded. What good is a blog about the contents of vent, poetry, short stories, reflections and opinions posted are not people read, right?
follow these steps following a campaign blog :
1. register in the blog directory
Submit your blog to various blog directories (blog directory). At least three blog register in the largest and most popular directories, namely (a) (b) (c) Follow the instructions on the third blog directory when registering. Blogs directory will automatically be sent information blog and your postings to various search engines, including the three major search engines ie,, http://yahoo. com.
2. trade links or link exchange link exchange
Invite your friends propertied blog to exchange links. Your URL link on the blog, and do not forget you also include a link blog your friends tsb. in your blog. In the world of blogs, is also called the term dg BLOGROLL. And this blogroll one cause of the rapid popularity of blogs around the world, beating out the website.
Got a blogroll or link-exchange does not have to go through a request, can also mutually voluntary dg. For example, there is one blogger (the blog owner) wrote put your link on her blog, if you know, then you are also "obliged" to add her blog link on your blog. If not, it will be labeled as a "blogger stingy". In the virtual world as well, like in the real world, people will always be isolated stingy. In other words, a "guest" her.
Well, how do I know which type of link your blog? It's easy: put it into the address box your blog or blog anyone who wants to know. Examples of this blog,, then press the search, you'll know who write blogs link to it.
As a first step 'project' of exchange links, you can try installing dg blog link in the sidebar of your blog. In a short time, your blog address will appear on the blog.
3. other blogs visited
To add a friend to be invited to a blogroll, could you visit another blog2, and the guest book or comment on their tagboard or comment on their writing while do not forget to include your blog address on their blog. In a short time, they will "revisit" to the "home" or your blog.
4. posting activity
Try to post at least once a day. Wrote regularly post on the blog, will make a guest comes on a regular basis as well.
5. blog address in email signature
Write your blog address in an email signature. So every time you write an email to self or to the mailing list, your blog address will always appear, and "tempt" people to visit. Summary post in your blog writing to the mailing list will also be very tempting mailing list members to come to your blog.
After creating a blog and post writing, vent, poetry and short stories as well as your calendar, try three days and then check your blog at, using keywords or link your name you like http:// column - mario. (http:// .. use it necessary to establish a link). If this does not appear on, a blog settings you reply to fixed. Follow the instructions below:
(1) Log-in to and enter your ID and password as usual
(2) click the title of your blog
(3) click on settings click on publishing
(4) At the bottom of the menu "tell" select "yes"
(5) click save settings and republish completed
Do not forget, the menu "comments" public contrived so people easily make comments. How:
Click "Settings", trus click on "comments". In the "comment settings" There are various options, select the following:
(a) comments select "show"
(b) who can choose "anyone" comment
(c) comments comments selected by default for "new posts have comments"
(d) backlinks "show"
Show comment in pop up window? select "yes"
Show Word verification for comments? select "yes"
Enable comment moderation? select "no"
Show profile images on comments? select "yes"
comment notification address "fill with your email"
Last click "save settings" and "republish". completed
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
12:31 PM

What's blog?
Because many writes to ask about what is a blog, more practical to write here the basic info for beginners blog. This paper is based on the trip to see the technology blog now more interest not only among laymen, but also began sweeping the intellectual and academic circles as well as Indonesian celebrities. Overseas, the blog has developed since a long time. We just wrote it like to miss.
Blog is a personal site. Dg different websites to send their replies with ease using the extension code. Html. Php,. Asp, etc., automation blog is an extension of all. So because of automatic, so we-we are all guilty of technology into ostosmastis reply can post what we write exactly what we want to send an email to friends or to a mailing list.
And because of this convenience, then everyone knows the internet can reply to your blog or personal site; and have email. No wonder the owners of blogs varies: ranging from domestic servants, housewives, vegetable huckster in Klewer Market, the girls "friendly" market forces, to the professors and ministers.
how to create a blog on blogger?
Create a blog on is very easy. Now I'll show you how to create a new account at, which is 100% free. I suggest you to create a blog on because this program is fully supported by google, so if we make a blog on here so that Google will quickly index our blog. As a result of our blog will appear at page search google.
please visit the website :
http://www.blogger.comAfter the page opens, please click
CREATE AN ACCOUNT after you click, it will display the form to fill in name and password. Please fill out the form and you must always remember the
username and password that you fill out. Do not forget to check the list of term services agreement. Then click the arrow button "
Continue" to proceed to the third step
This section is very important, because the name of your blog will become a keyword. T
IPS: to your blog easily indexed by search engines (search engines), then how much good if you create a similarity between the address and name of your blog! Now click the arrow button ORANGE "Continue" to proceed to step four.
Now you turn on the steps to have a homemade webblog! Here you intended to select the color and shape of your website. Please select a topic and according to your taste. OK if you've finished selecting the template, now we'll go to the next step. Now click the arrow button ORANGE "Continue" to proceed to step five.
Now bloggers will create your blog. After the blog is finished, the browser will have the words "You Have Made Blog Beeb 'Click Post to start to make an article / writing first. Fill in the title of the article you are now in tile field, and write your articles content below!
CONGRATULATIONS! now you have your own blog and can be seen from anywhere in the world.

Posted by Hamid Junaidi
9:34 AM