Little or no say so many people loved to attend motivational seminars in the hope of getting a new spirit that can motivate themselves. That includes me too loh once, hehe ... But often the motivation and the new spirit that did not last long, even in a short time they returned to old habits and patterns. The spirit of achieving the dream began to fade and they are waiting for is pumped back through the next motivational seminar. Why?
According to some experts, is because most people do not know how to motivate yourself. It turned out that the biggest source of motivation is not from outside but is within every person. Every person is a motivator for him, only know how to produce and direct resources to the appropriate destination. According to Anthony Robbins, basically all people are motivated because the pursuit of pleasure (pleasure) and to avoid suffering (pain).
What assistance can provide a strong motivation for you, and suffering (pain) like what's going to be able to motivate you, of course you have to find yourself. It is time now to discover what motivates us. Good luck to motivate yourself and then have a new spirit that continues to burn in a very long time.
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
2:49 AM
Various motivating others to insult, humiliate, belittle you, especially if you are a failure, deterioration, poverty, decline, and so on. Even when you want to start something new that not a few great people who try to mengambat you with the words sarcasm, ridicule, and so on. Of course not all negative people like that, but obviously the fact that many in the field. When your motivation is weak and rapidly affected by external factors more potential then you may not succeed.
Strengthen your motivation and go to likely success in maintaining motivation over. Because after all most people do not like underestimated, making the desire to avoid the ridicule it as fuel for more success.
In contrast, naturally also when you are on top of success, many people will admire, closer, helping, praising, asking for forgiveness and so on. Not everyone is perfect, but once again the facts on the ground a lot of say so.
For those of you who do not want to be humiliated, ridiculed, demeaned, and so forth, but wanting to be respected, appreciated and so is positive then the sebaiknyalah choose to be in the light of success.
Among those who are able to provide a strong motivation for you? might feel like to avoid trouble or feeling of wanting to look for things that are fun? Do not just choose one to encourage you more strongly motivated, select only two. Of course life is much more extensive, not only to seek honor, fame, praise. However, all the conditions that you can receive high will also provide peace and incredible happiness. But is not the best thing is after we tried tawaqal maximum?
In general, someone who is motivated by good will is more potent and has a greater energy to achieve success, too. So, why not strive to find ways to strengthen the motivation for greater success also easier approach?. As a sign that self motivation is strong enough then it will take more concrete action, and that real action that can make a big difference.
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
2:20 AM
I often wonder how to blog or website to make money. After learning from some teachers online business and internet marketing is great, and I understand so many ways a blog or website can provide extra income money directly or indirectly.
Create a blog or create a website, then the money directly to additional income? Oh, if that's a bit difficult because I understand, even as the slogan can be said that not very reliable. If the phrase we often hear and say is true, and the slogans that have made a lot of people including me to wonder.
And when I'm in the process and try to know why why it is so, then I can understand a little different. It seems more blogs that make money indirectly. And this way is more natural and easier to understand. After reading this article, I hope that our understanding of the slogans that can be improved. If there is something missing, I hope you are willing to add or make corrections in the comments section.
That we not be surprised and wondered how blogs can create additional revenue money, I will give some illustrations.
Suppose you have a gardener who regularly harvest duren. If you have a camera, the picture becomes your duren duren some plump, then paste the picture on your web site. Can add the story on the website how you delicious duren. Mention was also clear who you are, what you duren prices and how to pay you if someone wants to buy, whether to come to your home or your inter-or transfer money and send duren. If you send will also mention how much it costs.
Then we assume that your site was crowded. So many people who saw the picture duren, they also know how to pay. More importantly you can be trusted, then you are really selling duren and prospective buyers may know you, maybe a friend who knows you, or because you have a friend who you refer duren. If you competitive price duren, it will do it? If you think Yes, that means the website can help you sell duren. That makes money yes duren, website to help communicate the nature of this fat duren, price and how to pay.
Oh yes, if you do not have a web site, you can make easily, please read How to Create a
Website Strategy. Website main weapon for doing business online, even apart from this duren business results, you can also sell the site on the website as well. Business website like a basket or cart business meatballs, so the website can sell other people like duren. Basket business can also sell and durable kok, and business website. You can read about my business website here:
Supplement Joint Pengasilan cafebisnis OnlineWell, break the above, also an example of how Web sites can make money. Used as a means to sell the website how to create websites. So, here we have 2 ways to make money from websites is to create tools to sell and sell duren website.
how blogs can make money another example :
Sites that we consider home, and there are several rooms that you can koskan. Can then additional income from renting room. For example on this website, at the top of the ad space itself is paid. I rented space to work in the advertising business, and I could generate additional income from the rental, even 1-year cost of this website can be returned from the rent in several months. You can also rent out space on your website for a banner ad (banner shaped images), it is up to you how it works, which is important how you communicate (how many, how do you pay for, how long the period of validity, etc.).
Ok, for those who wish to obtain additional revenue from advertising programs Indonesian fast lane, then you can become a publisher
KlikSaya.Com very comprehensive procedure for all In this way to fill my house in the illustration above.
Another way how websites can help you create additional income, to allow your web site as a medium of online training to lead your business team. Suppose you run a
Business Voucher To Supplement Your Income is not the function of your website to sell the pulse but to train your team how to run the credit business. Well, if your team is developed (such as my team as I write this article consists of more than 7000 people) then the pulse of the business that create additional income. His website as a tool to increase their sales.
I am sure, with the details of the above, you are no longer going to wonder why your blog or make money. Can! But that does not mean: to make and can direct money.
I was developing a blog where
Learning English Online, you can guess where I will get additional income at this website:
BahasaInggris.NetHow else other ways a blog can provide additional income? You can add in the comments, can ask and share. Thanks a lot earlier.
I hope you blog more productive...
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
1:31 AM
If we have created a blog, or website, then we will want as soon as possible blog / site you are signed in search engines. Because Search Engine, a key to say 'take a lot of visits to the web / blog us'.
Because 85% of visitors from Search Engines, and also many websites with a 'visit many' others. statistics even applies in almost every business online.
So if we focus on search engine rankings, is appropriate, as a first step to bring more visitors to our blog. Only later, when we have greater control of search engines, we can try out the techniques other promotions.
step so readable by search engine robots are :
1. Of course the main focus for the 3 search engines:, and! So do not be attracted and deceived by the operator to send blog / web site to hundreds or even thousands of search engines. In fact, you can focus on to first, because if you go on, according to my experience, do not be too long, Msn and Yahoo will index your website.
2. not have to submit directly to them. Only use an indirect way is more effective. Ie :
3. if the blog, is the first step did post an article will index our blog quickly if there is anything I can eat on our blog. And 'food' is a search engine robot: 'Content'.
So fast that are ranked, be sure to fill the blog with enough 'content' first. Fill with at least 10 articles, only faster terangking on search engines.
So, how do I check to see if the web / blog we've consumed by the search engines? Quite easy, just enter our website address in the search box search engine, or good!.
For example: My website address is then I enter: '' in the search box. If the blog / web site I was taken by, so will the blue, and there is an explanation of the web / blog (description) If not, it will be black, and there is writing: eg: Results for not found.
4. After filling conten enough, so many blogs to submitlah website that has terangking the Search Engine.
That's not logical, if we want to go to the Search Engine, and then make friends with the web / blog that has been inserted first.
How? Easy! Post a Free Classified! Use 'automated web classifieds advertisers' sort:, efektifkan time your ads, your ad will submit (containing the address of your blog / website) you to more than 100 classified ads.
Another way to introduce a web / blog to Search Engines us by: Comment on the guest book, blogs that have a lot of requests like this blog Forum

, and many more.
Make sure the web address / blog, you fill in properly. Through the website owned by someone else who has first terangking blog search engine you will find the address and took it.
not unreasonable...??
Even I can say that, go into search engines, if you focus with quality content to fill, plus submit your blog address to your blog or popular classifieds, has almost certainly, your website will be ranked. Only a matter of time.
Sometimes I go to the web in 3 days, sometimes even faster, sometimes a week. No problem right? Because if you are in business online in a very long period of time, what's a few days.
Fill it with focal high-quality content to the web / blog, so that when people finally find your blog through search engines, they will be happy, and they will come back again.
If your content is bad, then they will not come back, do not waste master ranking in search engines, if the quality of our content messy.
Therefore, in a simple search engine rankings. Even more difficult is to maintain consistency to provide quality content in the long run.
necessary commitment and attitude to keep learning
Whatever field you want to write and master, if you like, love, love to learn, then you'll know a lot about the area, and the long term you'll become an expert.
But you do not have to wait for an expert first. You can start, find out and share it on your blog, keep reading again, out again. The longer you will learn more and more.
"ranking, of course if you focus on providing quality content"
Posted by Hamid Junaidi
5:13 PM